ChatActionBarExt extension
- chatActionBarAddContact → ChatActionBarAddContact?
The chat is a private or secret chat and the other user can be added to the contact list using the method addContact
- chatActionBarInviteMembers → ChatActionBarInviteMembers?
The chat is a recently created group chat to which new members can be invited
- chatActionBarJoinRequest → ChatActionBarJoinRequest?
The chat is a private chat with an administrator of a chat to which the user sent join request
- chatActionBarReportAddBlock → ChatActionBarReportAddBlock?
The chat is a private or secret chat, which can be reported using the method reportChat, or the other user can be blocked using the method setMessageSenderBlockList,
- chatActionBarReportSpam → ChatActionBarReportSpam?
The chat can be reported as spam using the method reportChat with the reason reportReasonSpam. If the chat is a private chat with a user with an emoji status, then a notice about emoji status usage must be shown
The chat is a location-based supergroup, which can be reported as having unrelated location using the method reportChat with the reason reportReasonUnrelatedLocation
The chat is a private or secret chat with a mutual contact and the user's phone number can be shared with the other user using the method sharePhoneNumber