InternalLinkTypeExt extension



internalLinkTypeActiveSessions InternalLinkTypeActiveSessions?
The link is a link to the active sessions section of the application. Use getActiveSessions to handle the link
internalLinkTypeAttachmentMenuBot InternalLinkTypeAttachmentMenuBot?
The link is a link to an attachment menu bot to be opened in the specified or a chosen chat. Process given target_chat to open the chat.
internalLinkTypeAuthenticationCode InternalLinkTypeAuthenticationCode?
The link contains an authentication code. Call checkAuthenticationCode with the code if the current authorization state is authorizationStateWaitCode
internalLinkTypeBackground InternalLinkTypeBackground?
The link is a link to a background. Call searchBackground with the given background name to process the link
internalLinkTypeBotAddToChannel InternalLinkTypeBotAddToChannel?
The link is a link to a Telegram bot, which is supposed to be added to a channel chat as an administrator. Call searchPublicChat with the given bot username and check that the user is a bot,
internalLinkTypeBotStart InternalLinkTypeBotStart?
The link is a link to a chat with a Telegram bot. Call searchPublicChat with the given bot username, check that the user is a bot, show START button in the chat with the bot,
internalLinkTypeBotStartInGroup InternalLinkTypeBotStartInGroup?
The link is a link to a Telegram bot, which is supposed to be added to a group chat. Call searchPublicChat with the given bot username, check that the user is a bot and can be added to groups,
internalLinkTypeChangePhoneNumber InternalLinkTypeChangePhoneNumber?
The link is a link to the change phone number section of the app
internalLinkTypeChatBoost InternalLinkTypeChatBoost?
The link is a link to boost a Telegram chat. Call getChatBoostLinkInfo with the given URL to process the link.
internalLinkTypeChatFolderInvite InternalLinkTypeChatFolderInvite?
The link is an invite link to a chat folder. Call checkChatFolderInviteLink with the given invite link to process the link
internalLinkTypeChatFolderSettings InternalLinkTypeChatFolderSettings?
The link is a link to the folder section of the app settings
internalLinkTypeChatInvite InternalLinkTypeChatInvite?
The link is a chat invite link. Call checkChatInviteLink with the given invite link to process the link
internalLinkTypeDefaultMessageAutoDeleteTimerSettings InternalLinkTypeDefaultMessageAutoDeleteTimerSettings?
The link is a link to the default message auto-delete timer settings section of the app settings
internalLinkTypeEditProfileSettings InternalLinkTypeEditProfileSettings?
The link is a link to the edit profile section of the app settings
internalLinkTypeGame InternalLinkTypeGame?
The link is a link to a game. Call searchPublicChat with the given bot username, check that the user is a bot, ask the current user to select a chat to send the game, and then call sendMessage with inputMessageGame
internalLinkTypeInstantView InternalLinkTypeInstantView?
The link must be opened in an Instant View. Call getWebPageInstantView with the given URL to process the link
internalLinkTypeInvoice InternalLinkTypeInvoice?
The link is a link to an invoice. Call getPaymentForm with the given invoice name to process the link
internalLinkTypeLanguagePack InternalLinkTypeLanguagePack?
The link is a link to a language pack. Call getLanguagePackInfo with the given language pack identifier to process the link
internalLinkTypeLanguageSettings InternalLinkTypeLanguageSettings?
The link is a link to the language section of the app settings
internalLinkTypeMessage InternalLinkTypeMessage?
The link is a link to a Telegram message or a forum topic. Call getMessageLinkInfo with the given URL to process the link
internalLinkTypeMessageDraft InternalLinkTypeMessageDraft?
The link contains a message draft text. A share screen needs to be shown to the user, then the chosen chat must be opened and the text is added to the input field
internalLinkTypePassportDataRequest InternalLinkTypePassportDataRequest?
The link contains a request of Telegram passport data. Call getPassportAuthorizationForm with the given parameters to process the link if the link was received from outside of the application; otherwise, ignore it
internalLinkTypePhoneNumberConfirmation InternalLinkTypePhoneNumberConfirmation?
The link can be used to confirm ownership of a phone number to prevent account deletion. Call sendPhoneNumberConfirmationCode with the given hash and phone number to process the link
internalLinkTypePremiumFeatures InternalLinkTypePremiumFeatures?
The link is a link to the Premium features screen of the application from which the user can subscribe to Telegram Premium. Call getPremiumFeatures with the given referrer to process the link
internalLinkTypePrivacyAndSecuritySettings InternalLinkTypePrivacyAndSecuritySettings?
The link is a link to the privacy and security section of the app settings
internalLinkTypeProxy InternalLinkTypeProxy?
The link is a link to a proxy. Call addProxy with the given parameters to process the link and add the proxy
internalLinkTypePublicChat InternalLinkTypePublicChat?
The link is a link to a chat by its username. Call searchPublicChat with the given chat username to process the link
internalLinkTypeQrCodeAuthentication InternalLinkTypeQrCodeAuthentication?
The link can be used to login the current user on another device, but it must be scanned from QR-code using in-app camera. An alert similar to
internalLinkTypeRestorePurchases InternalLinkTypeRestorePurchases?
The link forces restore of App Store purchases when opened. For official iOS application only
internalLinkTypeSettings InternalLinkTypeSettings?
The link is a link to application settings
internalLinkTypeSideMenuBot InternalLinkTypeSideMenuBot?
The link is a link to a bot, which can be installed to the side menu. Call searchPublicChat with the given bot username, check that the user is a bot and can be added to attachment menu.
internalLinkTypeStickerSet InternalLinkTypeStickerSet?
The link is a link to a sticker set. Call searchStickerSet with the given sticker set name to process the link and show the sticker set
internalLinkTypeStory InternalLinkTypeStory?
The link is a link to a story. Call searchPublicChat with the given sender username, then call getStory with the received chat identifier and the given story identifier
internalLinkTypeTheme InternalLinkTypeTheme?
The link is a link to a theme. TDLib has no theme support yet
internalLinkTypeThemeSettings InternalLinkTypeThemeSettings?
The link is a link to the theme section of the app settings
The link is an unknown tg: link. Call getDeepLinkInfo to process the link
internalLinkTypeUnsupportedProxy InternalLinkTypeUnsupportedProxy?
The link is a link to an unsupported proxy. An alert can be shown to the user
internalLinkTypeUserPhoneNumber InternalLinkTypeUserPhoneNumber?
The link is a link to a user by its phone number. Call searchUserByPhoneNumber with the given phone number to process the link
internalLinkTypeUserToken InternalLinkTypeUserToken?
The link is a link to a user by a temporary token. Call searchUserByToken with the given token to process the link
internalLinkTypeVideoChat InternalLinkTypeVideoChat?
The link is a link to a video chat. Call searchPublicChat with the given chat username, and then joinGroupCall with the given invite hash to process the link
internalLinkTypeWebApp InternalLinkTypeWebApp?
The link is a link to a Web App. Call searchPublicChat with the given bot username, check that the user is a bot, then call searchWebApp with the received bot and the given web_app_short_name.