td_log_message_callback_ptr typedef

td_log_message_callback_ptr = Pointer<NativeFunction<Void Function(Int32 verbosity_level, Pointer<Utf8> message)>>

A type of callback function that will be called when a message is added to the internal TDLib log.

\param verbosity_level Log verbosity level with which the message was added from -1 up to 1024. If 0, then TDLib will crash as soon as the callback returns. None of the TDLib methods can be called from the callback. \param message Null-terminated UTF-8-encoded string with the message added to the log.


typedef td_log_message_callback_ptr = ffi.Pointer<
        ffi.Void Function(
            ffi.Int32 verbosity_level, ffi.Pointer<pkg_ffi.Utf8> message)>>;