ChatFolder class
Represents a folder for user chats.
- Inheritance
- Available Extensions
ChatFolder({required String title, ChatFolderIcon? icon, required List<
int> pinned_chat_ids, required List<int> included_chat_ids, required List<int> excluded_chat_ids, required bool exclude_muted, required bool exclude_read, required bool exclude_archived, required bool include_contacts, required bool include_non_contacts, required bool include_bots, required bool include_groups, required bool include_channels, int? extra, int? clientId}) - Represents a folder for user chats
- clientId ↔ int?
TDLib client instance identifier, for which the response was received.
read / writeoverride
- exclude_archived ↔ bool
True, if archived chats need to be excluded.
read / write
- exclude_muted ↔ bool
True, if muted chats need to be excluded.
read / write
- exclude_read ↔ bool
True, if read chats need to be excluded.
read / write
↔ List<
int> -
The chat identifiers of always excluded chats in the folder. There can be up to getOption("chat_folder_chosen_chat_count_max") always excluded non-secret chats and the same number of secret chats, but the limit can be increased with Telegram Premium.
read / write
- extra ↔ int?
Request identifier. Must be non-zero.
read / writeoverride
- hashCode → int
The hash code for this object.
- icon ↔ ChatFolderIcon?
The chosen icon for the chat folder; may be null. If null, use getChatFolderDefaultIconName to get default icon name for the folder.
read / write
- include_bots ↔ bool
True, if bots need to be included.
read / write
- include_channels ↔ bool
True, if channels need to be included.
read / write
- include_contacts ↔ bool
True, if contacts need to be included.
read / write
- include_groups ↔ bool
True, if basic groups and supergroups need to be included.
read / write
- include_non_contacts ↔ bool
True, if non-contact users need to be included.
read / write
↔ List<
int> -
The chat identifiers of always included chats in the folder. There can be up to getOption("chat_folder_chosen_chat_count_max") pinned and always included non-secret chats and the same number of secret chats, but the limit can be increased with Telegram Premium.
read / write
True, if at least one link has been created for the folder.
read / write
↔ List<
int> -
The chat identifiers of pinned chats in the folder. There can be up to getOption("chat_folder_chosen_chat_count_max") pinned and always included non-secret chats and the same number of secret chats, but the limit can be increased with Telegram Premium.
read / write
- runtimeType → Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
- title ↔ String
The title of the folder; 1-12 characters without line feeds.
read / write
Invocation invocation) → dynamic -
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
) → Map< String, dynamic> -
Object to Map serializer
) → String -
A string representation of this object.
operator ==(
Object other) → bool -
The equality operator.
Static Methods
Map< String, dynamic> ? _map) → ChatFolder? -
Construct from Map.
- CONSTRUCTOR → const String