TlObject class abstract
- Implementers
- AccountTtl
- AddedReaction
- AddedReactions
- Address
- AnimatedChatPhoto
- AnimatedEmoji
- Animation
- Animations
- ArchiveChatListSettings
- AttachmentMenuBot
- AttachmentMenuBotColor
- Audio
- AuthenticationCodeInfo
- AuthenticationCodeType
- AuthorizationState
- AutoDownloadSettings
- AutoDownloadSettingsPresets
- AutosaveSettings
- AutosaveSettingsException
- AutosaveSettingsScope
- AvailableReaction
- AvailableReactions
- Background
- BackgroundFill
- Backgrounds
- BackgroundType
- BankCardActionOpenUrl
- BankCardInfo
- BasicGroup
- BasicGroupFullInfo
- BlockList
- BotCommand
- BotCommands
- BotCommandScope
- BotInfo
- BotMenuButton
- Call
- CallbackQueryAnswer
- CallbackQueryPayload
- CallDiscardReason
- CallId
- CallProblem
- CallProtocol
- CallServer
- CallServerType
- CallState
- CanBoostChatResult
- CanSendStoryResult
- CanTransferOwnershipResult
- Chat
- ChatAction
- ChatActionBar
- ChatActiveStories
- ChatAdministrator
- ChatAdministratorRights
- ChatAdministrators
- ChatAvailableReactions
- ChatBackground
- ChatBoost
- ChatBoostLink
- ChatBoostLinkInfo
- ChatBoostStatus
- ChatEvent
- ChatEventAction
- ChatEventLogFilters
- ChatEvents
- ChatFolder
- ChatFolderIcon
- ChatFolderInfo
- ChatFolderInviteLink
- ChatFolderInviteLinkInfo
- ChatFolderInviteLinks
- ChatInviteLink
- ChatInviteLinkCount
- ChatInviteLinkCounts
- ChatInviteLinkInfo
- ChatInviteLinkMember
- ChatInviteLinkMembers
- ChatInviteLinks
- ChatJoinRequest
- ChatJoinRequests
- ChatJoinRequestsInfo
- ChatList
- ChatLists
- ChatLocation
- ChatMember
- ChatMembers
- ChatMembersFilter
- ChatMemberStatus
- ChatMessageSender
- ChatMessageSenders
- ChatNearby
- ChatNotificationSettings
- ChatPermissions
- ChatPhoto
- ChatPhotoInfo
- ChatPhotos
- ChatPhotoSticker
- ChatPhotoStickerType
- ChatPosition
- Chats
- ChatsNearby
- ChatSource
- ChatStatistics
- ChatStatisticsAdministratorActionsInfo
- ChatStatisticsInviterInfo
- ChatStatisticsMessageInteractionInfo
- ChatStatisticsMessageSenderInfo
- ChatTheme
- ChatType
- CheckChatUsernameResult
- CheckStickerSetNameResult
- ClosedVectorPath
- ConnectedWebsite
- ConnectedWebsites
- ConnectionState
- Contact
- Count
- Countries
- CountryInfo
- CustomRequestResult
- DatabaseStatistics
- Date
- DatedFile
- DateRange
- DeepLinkInfo
- DeviceToken
- DiceStickers
- Document
- DownloadedFileCounts
- DraftMessage
- EmailAddressAuthentication
- EmailAddressAuthenticationCodeInfo
- EmailAddressResetState
- EmojiCategories
- EmojiCategory
- EmojiCategoryType
- EmojiReaction
- Emojis
- EmojiStatus
- EmojiStatuses
- EncryptedCredentials
- EncryptedPassportElement
- Error
- File
- FileDownload
- FileDownloadedPrefixSize
- FilePart
- FileType
- FirebaseAuthenticationSettings
- FormattedText
- ForumTopic
- ForumTopicIcon
- ForumTopicInfo
- ForumTopics
- FoundChatBoosts
- FoundChatMessages
- FoundFileDownloads
- FoundMessages
- FoundPositions
- FoundWebApp
- Func
- Game
- GameHighScore
- GameHighScores
- GroupCall
- GroupCallId
- GroupCallParticipant
- GroupCallParticipantVideoInfo
- GroupCallRecentSpeaker
- GroupCallStream
- GroupCallStreams
- GroupCallVideoQuality
- GroupCallVideoSourceGroup
- Hashtags
- HttpUrl
- IdentityDocument
- ImportedContacts
- InlineKeyboardButton
- InlineKeyboardButtonType
- InlineQueryResult
- InlineQueryResults
- InlineQueryResultsButton
- InlineQueryResultsButtonType
- InputBackground
- InputChatPhoto
- InputCredentials
- InputFile
- InputIdentityDocument
- InputInlineQueryResult
- InputInvoice
- InputMessageContent
- InputPassportElement
- InputPassportElementError
- InputPassportElementErrorSource
- InputPersonalDocument
- InputSticker
- InputStoryArea
- InputStoryAreas
- InputStoryAreaType
- InputStoryContent
- InputThumbnail
- InternalLinkType
- InviteLinkChatType
- Invoice
- JsonObjectMember
- JsonValue
- KeyboardButton
- KeyboardButtonType
- LabeledPricePart
- LanguagePackInfo
- LanguagePackString
- LanguagePackStrings
- LanguagePackStringValue
- LocalFile
- LocalizationTargetInfo
- Location
- LoginUrlInfo
- LogStream
- LogTags
- LogVerbosityLevel
- MaskPoint
- MaskPosition
- Message
- MessageAutoDeleteTime
- MessageCalendar
- MessageCalendarDay
- MessageContent
- MessageCopyOptions
- MessageExtendedMedia
- MessageFileType
- MessageForwardInfo
- MessageForwardOrigin
- MessageInteractionInfo
- MessageLink
- MessageLinkInfo
- MessagePosition
- MessagePositions
- MessageReaction
- MessageReplyInfo
- MessageReplyTo
- Messages
- MessageSchedulingState
- MessageSelfDestructType
- MessageSender
- MessageSenders
- MessageSendingState
- MessageSendOptions
- MessageSource
- MessageSponsor
- MessageSponsorType
- MessageStatistics
- MessageThreadInfo
- MessageViewer
- MessageViewers
- Minithumbnail
- NetworkStatistics
- NetworkStatisticsEntry
- NetworkType
- Notification
- NotificationGroup
- NotificationGroupType
- NotificationSettingsScope
- NotificationSound
- NotificationSounds
- NotificationType
- Ok
- OptionValue
- OrderInfo
- PageBlock
- PageBlockCaption
- PageBlockHorizontalAlignment
- PageBlockListItem
- PageBlockRelatedArticle
- PageBlockTableCell
- PageBlockVerticalAlignment
- PassportAuthorizationForm
- PassportElement
- PassportElementError
- PassportElementErrorSource
- PassportElements
- PassportElementsWithErrors
- PassportElementType
- PassportRequiredElement
- PassportSuitableElement
- PasswordState
- PaymentForm
- PaymentOption
- PaymentProvider
- PaymentReceipt
- PaymentResult
- PersonalDetails
- PersonalDocument
- PhoneNumberAuthenticationSettings
- PhoneNumberInfo
- Photo
- PhotoSize
- Point
- Poll
- PollOption
- PollType
- PremiumFeature
- PremiumFeaturePromotionAnimation
- PremiumFeatures
- PremiumLimit
- PremiumLimitType
- PremiumPaymentOption
- PremiumSource
- PremiumState
- PremiumStatePaymentOption
- PremiumStoryFeature
- ProfilePhoto
- Proxies
- Proxy
- ProxyType
- PublicChatType
- PushMessageContent
- PushReceiverId
- ReactionType
- RecommendedChatFolder
- RecommendedChatFolders
- RecoveryEmailAddress
- RemoteFile
- ReplyMarkup
- ReportReason
- ResetPasswordResult
- RichText
- RtmpUrl
- SavedCredentials
- ScopeAutosaveSettings
- ScopeNotificationSettings
- SearchMessagesFilter
- Seconds
- SecretChat
- SecretChatState
- SentWebAppMessage
- Session
- Sessions
- SessionType
- ShippingOption
- SpeechRecognitionResult
- SponsoredMessage
- SponsoredMessages
- StatisticalGraph
- StatisticalValue
- Sticker
- StickerFormat
- StickerFullType
- Stickers
- StickerSet
- StickerSetInfo
- StickerSets
- StickerType
- StorageStatistics
- StorageStatisticsByChat
- StorageStatisticsByFileType
- StorageStatisticsFast
- StorePaymentPurpose
- Stories
- Story
- StoryArea
- StoryAreaPosition
- StoryAreaType
- StoryContent
- StoryInfo
- StoryInteractionInfo
- StoryList
- StoryPrivacySettings
- StoryVideo
- StoryViewer
- StoryViewers
- SuggestedAction
- Supergroup
- SupergroupFullInfo
- SupergroupMembersFilter
- TargetChat
- TemporaryPasswordState
- TermsOfService
- TestBytes
- TestInt
- TestString
- TestVectorInt
- TestVectorIntObject
- TestVectorString
- TestVectorStringObject
- Text
- TextEntities
- TextEntity
- TextEntityType
- TextParseMode
- ThemeParameters
- ThemeSettings
- Thumbnail
- ThumbnailFormat
- TMeUrl
- TMeUrls
- TMeUrlType
- TopChatCategory
- TrendingStickerSets
- UnconfirmedSession
- UnreadReaction
- Update
- Updates
- User
- UserFullInfo
- UserLink
- Usernames
- UserPrivacySetting
- UserPrivacySettingRule
- UserPrivacySettingRules
- Users
- UserStatus
- UserSupportInfo
- UserType
- ValidatedOrderInfo
- VectorPathCommand
- Venue
- Video
- VideoChat
- VideoNote
- VoiceNote
- WebApp
- WebAppInfo
- WebPage
- WebPageInstantView
- Available Extensions
- TlObject()
- clientId ↔ int?
TDLib client instance identifier, for which the response was received.
read / write
- extra ↔ int?
Request identifier. Must be non-zero.
read / write
- hashCode → int
The hash code for this object.
- runtimeType → Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
Invocation invocation) → dynamic -
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
) → Map< String, dynamic> - Object to Map serializer
) → String -
A string representation of this object.
operator ==(
Object other) → bool -
The equality operator.
Static Methods
- CONSTRUCTOR → const String