Message class

Describes a message.

Available Extensions


Message({required int id, required MessageSender sender_id, required int chat_id, MessageSendingState? sending_state, MessageSchedulingState? scheduling_state, required bool is_outgoing, required bool is_pinned, required bool can_be_edited, required bool can_be_forwarded, required bool can_be_saved, required bool can_be_deleted_only_for_self, required bool can_be_deleted_for_all_users, required bool can_get_added_reactions, required bool can_get_statistics, required bool can_get_message_thread, required bool can_get_viewers, required bool can_get_media_timestamp_links, required bool can_report_reactions, required bool has_timestamped_media, required bool is_channel_post, required bool is_topic_message, required bool contains_unread_mention, required int date, required int edit_date, MessageForwardInfo? forward_info, MessageInteractionInfo? interaction_info, required List<UnreadReaction> unread_reactions, MessageReplyTo? reply_to, required int message_thread_id, MessageSelfDestructType? self_destruct_type, required double self_destruct_in, required double auto_delete_in, required int via_bot_user_id, required String author_signature, required int64 media_album_id, required String restriction_reason, required MessageContent content, ReplyMarkup? reply_markup, int? extra, int? clientId})
Describes a message


author_signature String
For channel posts and anonymous group messages, optional author signature.
read / write
auto_delete_in double
Time left before the message will be automatically deleted by message_auto_delete_time setting of the chat, in seconds; 0 if never.
read / write
can_be_deleted_for_all_users bool
True, if the message can be deleted for all users.
read / write
can_be_deleted_only_for_self bool
True, if the message can be deleted only for the current user while other users will continue to see it.
read / write
can_be_edited bool
True, if the message can be edited. For live location and poll messages this fields shows whether editMessageLiveLocation or stopPoll can be used with this message by the application.
read / write
can_be_forwarded bool
True, if the message can be forwarded.
read / write
can_be_saved bool
True, if content of the message can be saved locally or copied.
read / write
can_get_added_reactions bool
True, if the list of added reactions is available through getMessageAddedReactions.
read / write
True, if media timestamp links can be generated for media timestamp entities in the message text, caption or web page description through getMessageLink.
read / write
can_get_message_thread bool
True, if information about the message thread is available through getMessageThread and getMessageThreadHistory.
read / write
can_get_statistics bool
True, if the message statistics are available through getMessageStatistics.
read / write
can_get_viewers bool
True, if chat members already viewed the message can be received through getMessageViewers.
read / write
can_report_reactions bool
True, if reactions on the message can be reported through reportMessageReactions.
read / write
chat_id int
Chat identifier.
read / write
clientId int?
TDLib client instance identifier, for which the response was received.
read / writeoverride
contains_unread_mention bool
True, if the message contains an unread mention for the current user.
read / write
content MessageContent
Content of the message.
read / write
date int
Point in time (Unix timestamp) when the message was sent.
read / write
edit_date int
Point in time (Unix timestamp) when the message was last edited.
read / write
extra int?
Request identifier. Must be non-zero.
read / writeoverride
forward_info MessageForwardInfo?
Information about the initial message sender; may be null if none or unknown.
read / write
has_timestamped_media bool
True, if media timestamp entities refers to a media in this message as opposed to a media in the replied message.
read / write
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
id int
Message identifier; unique for the chat to which the message belongs.
read / write
interaction_info MessageInteractionInfo?
Information about interactions with the message; may be null if none.
read / write
is_channel_post bool
True, if the message is a channel post. All messages to channels are channel posts, all other messages are not channel posts.
read / write
is_outgoing bool
True, if the message is outgoing.
read / write
is_pinned bool
True, if the message is pinned.
read / write
is_topic_message bool
True, if the message is a forum topic message.
read / write
media_album_id int64
Unique identifier of an album this message belongs to. Only audios, documents, photos and videos can be grouped together in albums. ; string representation of int, use int.parse
read / write
message_thread_id int
If non-zero, the identifier of the message thread the message belongs to; unique within the chat to which the message belongs.
read / write
reply_markup ReplyMarkup?
Reply markup for the message; may be null if none.
read / write
reply_to MessageReplyTo?
Information about the message or the story this message is replying to; may be null if none.
read / write
restriction_reason String
If non-empty, contains a human-readable description of the reason why access to this message must be restricted.
read / write
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
scheduling_state MessageSchedulingState?
The scheduling state of the message; may be null if the message isn't scheduled.
read / write
self_destruct_in double
Time left before the message self-destruct timer expires, in seconds; 0 if self-desctruction isn't scheduled yet.
read / write
self_destruct_type MessageSelfDestructType?
The message's self-destruct type; may be null if none.
read / write
sender_id MessageSender
Identifier of the sender of the message.
read / write
sending_state MessageSendingState?
The sending state of the message; may be null if the message isn't being sent and didn't fail to be sent.
read / write
unread_reactions List<UnreadReaction>
Information about unread reactions added to the message.
read / write
via_bot_user_id int
If non-zero, the user identifier of the bot through which this message was sent.
read / write


noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toJson() Map<String, dynamic>
Object to Map serializer
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.

Static Methods

fromMap(Map<String, dynamic>? _map) Message?
Construct from Map.


CONSTRUCTOR → const String