Story class

Represents a story.

Available Extensions


Story({required int id, required int sender_chat_id, required int date, required bool is_being_sent, required bool is_being_edited, required bool is_edited, required bool is_pinned, required bool is_visible_only_for_self, required bool can_be_deleted, required bool can_be_edited, required bool can_be_forwarded, required bool can_be_replied, required bool can_toggle_is_pinned, required bool can_get_viewers, required bool has_expired_viewers, StoryInteractionInfo? interaction_info, ReactionType? chosen_reaction_type, required StoryPrivacySettings privacy_settings, required StoryContent content, required List<StoryArea> areas, required FormattedText caption, int? extra, int? clientId})
Represents a story


areas List<StoryArea>
Clickable areas to be shown on the story content.
read / write
can_be_deleted bool
True, if the story can be deleted.
read / write
can_be_edited bool
True, if the story can be edited.
read / write
can_be_forwarded bool
True, if the story can be forwarded as a message. Otherwise, screenshots and saving of the story content must be also forbidden.
read / write
can_be_replied bool
True, if the story can be replied in the chat with the story sender.
read / write
can_get_viewers bool
True, if users viewed the story can be received through getStoryViewers.
read / write
can_toggle_is_pinned bool
True, if the story's is_pinned value can be changed.
read / write
caption FormattedText
Caption of the story.
read / write
chosen_reaction_type ReactionType?
Type of the chosen reaction; may be null if none.
read / write
clientId int?
TDLib client instance identifier, for which the response was received.
read / writeoverride
content StoryContent
Content of the story.
read / write
date int
Point in time (Unix timestamp) when the story was published.
read / write
extra int?
Request identifier. Must be non-zero.
read / writeoverride
has_expired_viewers bool
True, if users viewed the story can't be received, because the story has expired more than getOption("story_viewers_expiration_delay") seconds ago.
read / write
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
id int
Unique story identifier among stories of the given sender.
read / write
interaction_info StoryInteractionInfo?
Information about interactions with the story; may be null if the story isn't owned or there were no interactions.
read / write
is_being_edited bool
True, if the story is being edited by the current user.
read / write
is_being_sent bool
True, if the story is being sent by the current user.
read / write
is_edited bool
True, if the story was edited.
read / write
is_pinned bool
True, if the story is saved in the sender's profile and will be available there after expiration.
read / write
is_visible_only_for_self bool
True, if the story is visible only for the current user.
read / write
privacy_settings StoryPrivacySettings
Privacy rules affecting story visibility; may be approximate for non-owned stories.
read / write
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
sender_chat_id int
Identifier of the chat that posted the story.
read / write


noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toJson() Map<String, dynamic>
Object to Map serializer
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.

Static Methods

fromMap(Map<String, dynamic>? _map) Story?
Construct from Map.


CONSTRUCTOR → const String