UserFullInfo class
Contains full information about a user.
- Inheritance
- Available Extensions
- UserFullInfo({ChatPhoto? personal_photo, ChatPhoto? photo, ChatPhoto? public_photo, BlockList? block_list, required bool can_be_called, required bool supports_video_calls, required bool has_private_calls, required bool has_private_forwards, required bool has_restricted_voice_and_video_note_messages, required bool has_pinned_stories, required bool need_phone_number_privacy_exception, FormattedText? bio, required int group_in_common_count, BotInfo? bot_info, int? extra, int? clientId})
- Contains full information about a user
- bio ↔ FormattedText?
A short user bio; may be null for bots.
read / write
- block_list ↔ BlockList?
Block list to which the user is added; may be null if none.
read / write
- bot_info ↔ BotInfo?
For bots, information about the bot; may be null if the user isn't a bot.
read / write
- can_be_called ↔ bool
True, if the user can be called.
read / write
- clientId ↔ int?
TDLib client instance identifier, for which the response was received.
read / writeoverride
- extra ↔ int?
Request identifier. Must be non-zero.
read / writeoverride
- group_in_common_count ↔ int
Number of group chats where both the other user and the current user are a member; 0 for the current user.
read / write
- has_pinned_stories ↔ bool
True, if the user has pinned stories.
read / write
- has_private_calls ↔ bool
True, if the user can't be called due to their privacy settings.
read / write
- has_private_forwards ↔ bool
True, if the user can't be linked in forwarded messages due to their privacy settings.
read / write
- has_restricted_voice_and_video_note_messages ↔ bool
True, if voice and video notes can't be sent or forwarded to the user.
read / write
- hashCode → int
The hash code for this object.
- need_phone_number_privacy_exception ↔ bool
True, if the current user needs to explicitly allow to share their phone number with the user when the method addContact is used.
read / write
- personal_photo ↔ ChatPhoto?
User profile photo set by the current user for the contact; may be null. If null and user.profile_photo is null, then the photo is empty; otherwise, it is unknown..
read / write
- photo ↔ ChatPhoto?
User profile photo; may be null. If null and user.profile_photo is null, then the photo is empty; otherwise, it is unknown..
read / write
The list of available options for gifting Telegram Premium to the user.
read / write
- public_photo ↔ ChatPhoto?
User profile photo visible if the main photo is hidden by privacy settings; may be null. If null and user.profile_photo is null, then the photo is empty; otherwise, it is unknown..
read / write
- runtimeType → Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
- supports_video_calls ↔ bool
True, if a video call can be created with the user.
read / write
Invocation invocation) → dynamic -
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
) → Map< String, dynamic> -
Object to Map serializer
) → String -
A string representation of this object.
operator ==(
Object other) → bool -
The equality operator.
Static Methods
Map< String, dynamic> ? _map) → UserFullInfo? -
Construct from Map.
- CONSTRUCTOR → const String