Session class

Contains information about one session in a Telegram application used by the current user. Sessions must be shown to the user in the returned order.

Available Extensions


Session({required int64 id, required bool is_current, required bool is_password_pending, required bool is_unconfirmed, required bool can_accept_secret_chats, required bool can_accept_calls, required SessionType type, required int api_id, required String application_name, required String application_version, required bool is_official_application, required String device_model, required String platform, required String system_version, required int log_in_date, required int last_active_date, required String ip_address, required String location, int? extra, int? clientId})
Contains information about one session in a Telegram application used by the current user. Sessions must be shown to the user in the returned order


api_id int
Telegram API identifier, as provided by the application.
read / write
application_name String
Name of the application, as provided by the application.
read / write
application_version String
The version of the application, as provided by the application.
read / write
can_accept_calls bool
True, if incoming calls can be accepted by the session.
read / write
can_accept_secret_chats bool
True, if incoming secret chats can be accepted by the session.
read / write
clientId int?
TDLib client instance identifier, for which the response was received.
read / writeoverride
device_model String
Model of the device the application has been run or is running on, as provided by the application.
read / write
extra int?
Request identifier. Must be non-zero.
read / writeoverride
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
id int64
Session identifier. ; string representation of int, use int.parse
read / write
ip_address String
IP address from which the session was created, in human-readable format.
read / write
is_current bool
True, if this session is the current session.
read / write
is_official_application bool
True, if the application is an official application or uses the api_id of an official application.
read / write
is_password_pending bool
True, if a 2-step verification password is needed to complete authorization of the session.
read / write
is_unconfirmed bool
True, if the session wasn't confirmed from another session.
read / write
last_active_date int
Point in time (Unix timestamp) when the session was last used.
read / write
location String
A human-readable description of the location from which the session was created, based on the IP address.
read / write
log_in_date int
Point in time (Unix timestamp) when the user has logged in.
read / write
platform String
Operating system the application has been run or is running on, as provided by the application.
read / write
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
system_version String
Version of the operating system the application has been run or is running on, as provided by the application.
read / write
type SessionType
Session type based on the system and application version, which can be used to display a corresponding icon.
read / write


noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toJson() Map<String, dynamic>
Object to Map serializer
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.

Static Methods

fromMap(Map<String, dynamic>? _map) Session?
Construct from Map.


CONSTRUCTOR → const String